Thanks Mum!

2 min readMar 17, 2021

Sunday 14th March was Mothers Day, celebrated all over the world (although it should be noted that Australia, America, Canada and Mexico celebrate it in May). It is a day to give thanks to our mums and shower them with flowers, chocolate and bring them breakfast in bed. This year as I woke up at my usual 6.30am, I could hear kitchen drawers opening and cutlery clattering. As I made my way down the stairs towards the kitchen I thought I would be confronted by a burglar. Instead, to my surprise,my 9 year old son was busily making me my morning cup of coffee.

I accepted my coffee with huge thanks and pleased to see that he even added one of my homemade biscuits on the saucer. While I sipped my coffee we both prepared the pancakes which my husband would fry for the family. As we all devoured the pancakes with our loved toppings I read my homemade cards filled with love and thanks. Empty plates left on the table, I realised my treats were over.

I remember being 9 years old and asking my mum the day before mothers day, whether I could bring her pancakes in bed with her morning coffee. I could never understand why my mother would always reply, ‘Mothers day should be celebrated everyday’. It was when I had my own children to mother, that I realised what she meant by this. I fully understand my mother wanted to be appreciated all year round, not just on one day of the year. So when I tell my kids that mothers day is a day to be celebrated every year, they respond with ‘But what about children’s day?’. To which I respond, ‘It’s children’s day every day!’, as I prepare their next meal and put away their clean clothes in their drawers :).

I phoned my mother on mothers day, though technically her being in Australia, it’s not her mothers day until May. I thanked her (as I do every year), for changing my nappies, feeding me healthy and nutritious food, teaching me about kindness, providing me with the skills to nurture people and nature and for her wisdom, sound advice and love she gives me every day. But I also give my thanks and tell her I love her on those ordinary days and when we have an ordinary conversation, because those are the days that we should cherish the most.

I made these donuts using my mothers old recipe. They do have sugar (not refined sugar free I’m afraid), but sometimes we need to treat ourselves and bring back those tastes that remind us of those we love.




An Italian / Australian living in London with my husband and 4 children. I have a MSc in Public Health Sciences, amateur gardener and enjoy cold water swimming.